jueves, 14 de abril de 2011

New York city : "The big apple"

Hello World!
Well today i have prepared a surprise for you.
I think you'll love it!
Let's go to NEW YORK CITY!

Well that's one of my dreams to visit someday, "The big apple".
Do i want to live there?, NOT really.
I do not like the american life, like Homero Simpson.
I just want to go there with a friend or alone (better), for a few day, or weeks, but not more than a month, I wouldn't survive so far away from home!
I just want to go like a tourist, and i want to spend my time and my money to enjoy there.
I want to visit the famous places where movies were filmed.
I love cinema, and this country has history about this.
Many places of New York where used to film movies.
Also there are many BIG building!


I can not die before to visit the "Statue of the libertity"
I want a photo with it!, i think it is unique and wonderful

I love theatre, movies, art, emotion, and i think that i know where i can find it...
B R O A D W A Y!!
There, it is all i said before, there are amazing famous people, and i want to enjoy a broadway's musical. I'd like to see "Chicago" or "Mamma mia!" that could be fantastic.

New york is an important city because it is not just fun, Here are the most important political people, and the best newspaper like "The New York Time".

Another famous place:

Times Square, ubicated in Manhattan
It is a big place where trade is the most important

Well, i think i am not the only woman who loves New York city,
Maddona has a song called "I love New York" too.
So, There are to many people who want to go there someday, like me...

4 comentarios:

  1. what a bussy city ! :D it is so interesting ! I mean you can find anything there... I hope some day you can travel to this city ! see ya !

  2. Great post!, I'd like to visit New York one day.

  3. new york is amazing rosa
    it is very interisting :)
    lets go together :)

  4. I always think to visit natural places and never in famous cityes... thinking better, a big city is a good place for hollidays :°
